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Back to School/Fall Chiropractic Care for you and your Family

August 30, 2022

Chiropractic Care for you and your Family? It’s almost Fall which means the local stores are stocked with all of your back to school necessities. This is always a stressful and exciting time. Since now is prime time for back to school preparation, it’s time to take note of what you should do that doesn’t include new school supplies, brand new shoes, or that fall wardrobe. It’s time to take notice of your health! A great addition to your return to school routine is to add chiropractic care. Take a look at these ways in which chiropractic care may help get you ready for school in just a few short weeks. You may not have known this, but your backpack may be ruining the health of your back. Heavy backpacks, especially when over one shoulder, can lead to misalignments of the spine and excess stress on the back and neck. Chiropractors may help to alleviate this stress and properly align the spine to quell the discomfort. Using both shoulders is a great tip to help alleviate the pains that are becoming prevalent in kids today.

One of the most exhausting times of the year is the beginning of school. Chiropractic care may be able to help by ensuring that your energy and resources aren’t being used in other places. With a properly aligned spine, your nervous system works more efficiently, which helps you use energy more efficiently as well.

School is stressful. For older teens and college aged kids, the stress is obvious. Piles of homework and tight schedules make for a stressful day. But even little ones are susceptible to school-induced stress. Chiropractic care may help by keeping the body in a more relaxed state.

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